Assembly opening problem

Hello, following a network crash I find myself unable to reopen my SW22 assembly file ...

Indeed this one loads all the files but at the end of the loading of the files this one shows me this and the assembly closes as soon as I click on OK


If you have already encountered this problem and ideally solved this one :wink:

Ps: I manage to open it in mid-management of large designs but it doesn't bring me anything behind ^^

Thank you in advance

Unfortunately this sometimes happens (micro, network outage or other problem during a recording)
To try to recover your assembly, open everything you can that constitutes it, then open it, solve it.
Sometimes it works, otherwise I call the computer and take the backup of the day before. Or if assembly of the day, I do it again while complaining about Dassault for 30 minutes... :cold_face:
Or even automatic backup if it is activated.


I have already had this problem and I managed to get out of it by making a first opening in large design management and then load the whole thing.

may the force be with you.


For my part, I offer the advanced configuration

All that remains is to undo the deletion of the components one by one in order to identify the problem component


I didn't know this trick @Lynkoa15 which can indeed be interesting.

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Well done @Lynkoa15

Otherwise I was already able to test the @OBI_WAN solution and it allowed me to open the recalcitrant assembly without crashing.

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My solution has helped me a few times as well but not systematically.
I almost can't wait to have an assembly that crashes and can't be repaired with my solution, so I can test the @Lynkoa15 solution! :laughing:


It seems that my wish has been granted, on the post of a colleague, corrupt assembly:
On the other hand, unlike a functional assembly, SW does not offer the advanced configuration @Lynkoa15 .
My solution doesn't work any better by the way! :nauseated_face: Nor @OBI_WAN's , I have the winning combo!
Last solution for us, restoring a backup from the day before...
If I have other ideas I am interested I have a test assembly!


I don't have a solution to bring but rather a way to avoid the problem.

In the SW options there is a tab in which it is possible to configure a systematic copy when saving a document. The idea is to define a LOCAL folder for the copy. This allows the document to be recovered in the event of a network failure.

Knowing that autosave is sometimes a source of bugs, I prefer the local copy to the autosave.

Hello @tous

@sbadenis, A votre place je ferais gaffe à ce que je vœux 😯🤣

Too bad the advanced configuration didn't work for you, the fact that sw doesn't offer it when opened is strange (it seems to me that it's the container that is damaged and not a component or a constraint...), and I don't remember having had a similar message to test, on my side the configuration has always been useful for assemblies that grind or that make sw spit outright when opened.
Have a nice day

Yes @Lynkoa15 for this case, network problem likely during recording.

@sbadenis, A votre place je ferais gaffe à ce que je vœux 😯🤣

I also want to win a fortune in the lottery, but on this point I haven't been granted...
The little genius who followed me seems more talented at putting my head under water than in a golden mattress!
However, I'm keeping the method in mind for next time, but not too fast I hope! :cold_face: