Hello everyone, being a new user of sw 2017, I have a small pb that is not trivial and I can't find a solution, I turn to you, I explain myself when I am in a sketch to dimension it I have a mouse pointer shift, to enter the dimension of the horizontal lines I am forced to shift 3 cm to the above the line with the mouse pointer and it's the same with the associated menus .
Ideas because I changed my mouse screen, in short I can't find it.
Hello everyone, thank you for your answer but I think I found the bug, here is attached a screenshot when I open a new document we can see the toolbar which is duplicated and the pointer pb is persistent when I side, as soon as I open a new document without closing the first one the window is normal and the bug with the pointer disappears.
I read that the nvidia gtx gforce series cards are not listed by SW.
On this image we can see the pointer shift 2 upwards to get to catch the line, impossible to point a point!!
I tried with different resolutions because I have a 4K screen and I thought the resolution was not suitable but in 1920x1080 it's even worse and the lag increases.
On your first image, it seems to me to guess that your Windows taskbar is set to hide automatically, have you tried removing this setting? (hence my previous question to know if it also does it in minimized window mode)
I also have graphics cards not listed by SW on 2 PCs and I admit that I have never seen this problem. If you already have the latest graphics card driver, you can also try to go back to the previous version, sometimes it helps.
Also try to open a new document to do a CTRL + Q to see.
So after checking thank you d.roger for your help because it was the taskbar that should have caused this pb because I disabled everything in windows and it solved my problem!
Thank you all for your help, I will not fail to come and ask you ;)