TopSolid Mould "invalid font" problem

Hello, when I want to make a quote on TopSolid Mold, the message "invalid font" is displayed in the alpha bar. This problem is very annoying because I am currently in the process of making a drawing.

Thank you in advance for your answers.

See you soon.


What is the default font requested in the options?

Do you have it in your Windows fonts?

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The requested font is "IsonormD" and I have indeed already installed it several times as well as all the fonts proposed in the software files.

Have you tried to indicate another font for the quotes? like arial or other?

Yes, without success as well.

There's no @ in front of your fonts in the options?

On 3D, no worries about writing?

Otherwise, try to reinstall the fonts...

No, no @ present in front of the font name and the problem is also present on the 3D.

I have already tried to reinstall them, without success.

An installation repair?


I keep looking

Already done...

Thank you for the time you spent helping me.

No worries.

What is the version of your software?

TopSolid'Draft 201 (v6.15.252.20)

Has the problem always been weighing, or did it appear suddenly?


Try this:

You go to C:\Windows\Fonts and from the File menu, you ask to install the IsonormDfont which is located in the path Missler\V69\bin


Or this:


- we go to Add/Remove programs (in the control panel),
- select TopSolid 200x by Missler Software, then Modify,
- check the box Re-install the IsonormD font then Next.

Once the font is re-installed or installed, you may need to restart Windows.



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