Reinstallation problem


In charge of a training (initiation) for the job  center I had to download the 2017 student version, so I removed version 11 from the PC 

The training course is over. I reinstalled my version 211 but  several times an alert message informed me that files of the student version were still visible in my pc, I checked, found nothing, except Edrawing which I fired. I restarted a new installation,  I was able to work apparently correctly for 6 hours despite the info from time to time of " an error inviting me to contact the technical support to try to find a solution" clicking on ok the message (which blocked any action) ended up disappearing, But lately the freeze was completely permanent forcing me to reboot the PC and close SLDW by the task manager.

Question, can parts, assembly, or drawing files made with version 17 not activated  be the cause of this disorder?

How to identify student version files that don't appear in Control Panel Programs and Features

Thank you in advance








With Windows Explorer you do a search on the root of the HDD for example c:/

do *.sldprt then *SLDASM ditto for the plans.

You will have all the files (including the files automatically saved by SW) and you will have to sort by date to keep those of the 2011 version.

Be careful because old versions like 2011 may no longer be compatible with the OS versions of your computer.

If you start by cleaning up the SW files, we will see later if you need to go further.

Kind regards


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A stroke of CCleaner can help too


Ok thank you 

I will do that tomorrow and come back with a new question if necessary

In the meantime I'm closing the current question 

thank you again


I love choosing the best answer   ;-)

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Well yes Zozo_mp, I understand that when you encounter a problem you have to wait until the next day:)