Area filling problem

Hello everyone,

I'm modeling a site and I came across a bone. I can't model the terrain between the climb, an area of grass, I used different methods a lot gives me errors but I can't use the functions as I should.

I'm currently on Solidworks 2014 SP5.

Here is the modelling in question:


After a few tries I have a result but the underside bothers me and this method is a bit cumbersome, surface function fill:


Thanks in advance to those who will help me on this problem.


Kind regards



I tested by doing a smoothing with two guide curves that correspond to your arcs of circles and it works afterwards you have to go into more detail...



Walk around the area with a 3D sketch

and you create points around the edge to create some straight lines 

like slicing the empty surface

and after X filled areas between these said lines and the perimeter

It should work


I used a boundary surface.

For the borders, I used composite curves based on the existing edges (I don't know why taking the edges directly doesn't work).

And a full surface for the halfpipe.

Attached is the SW14 part


With a more natural shape but which requires additional filling:


I succeeded by cutting my land in half and using the fill surface function. I still had to adapt the areas to be filled.


Thank you for your answer, it allowed me to have another point of view and to solve my problem.