Arrow Direction Problem

Hello, since my pc crashed following a power cut, I have been experiencing problems with the costs.

The diameter rib arrows are vertical with breakage. see image below.

thank you for your answers

Look in the Solidowkrs options in document  property / dimension / diameter


See image.


Is that what you're looking for?



can you show us what you had before so we can get a good idea of your little problem...

When we change the front view, we go from a dimension of diameter that can be read horizontally to a dimension that is read vertically.

In the drawing below, I changed the front view, and my dimension, which was originally horizontal, has become:

Anyone have an idea of "how to get the stock market back on track?"

I don't have Sw on hand right now, but changing the annotations view, it doesn't work?


Right-click on the coast, then "Change annotation view"


If you click on your arrows, their positions are reversed.

Kind regards

Oops, I hadn't seen the position of the text, in fact I think you have to go to option and do as below.