Would you be so kind as to complete your profile please ;-) In particular teaching in what and where please, ditto for trainer ;-)
Moreover, for your results from what I see on the images, I read 2.14 mm and not 214 as you indicate in the body of the text and 3.45mm and not 0.34 mm.
In addition, when you open your file, you have no materials for the tank. You have not submitted the results of your simulations l(the results are empty).
Can you send your file back using pack and go so that the simulation results are also transmitted.
On the other hand, with the constraints put on the edges, it's not famous compared to reality because you blocked if I saw all the DDLs. In real life, your upper edges would be deformed because the angles are more robust and the sides should swell like the middle of the tank. But we agree that as long as we don't know how the top of the tank is fixed and especially on what, we can only make a remark without more ;-)