Simulation problem

Hello, I have a problem with comprehension. I have to make a simulation of a 6900 gateway The overload is 3000 daN in total, so 1500daN on a beam.

According to my calculations rather in RDM I should be more in IPE of 160 with a 10 mm arrow

According to SW I pass with an IPe of 100 which seems completely impossible to me.


Can someone explain to me where I'm bugging.


Thanks in advance

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I already notice that you use alloy steel and not structural steel.

For an IPE the European standards are rather on a standard of one EN10025 i.e. an S235 JR G2 = to DIN 17100

If we redo the simu with the right materials, your URES displacement is only 11.8 mm in the center, which is not crazy for a range of 6.70 m.

If we look at the stress min max you are at min 6.115 and in max 110.9 at the jamb connection for a yield strength of 235. This is confirmed by the social security coef at 2.

If we look at the safety coeff you are at 2 in Min and in Max

So if you take an IPE of 80 you must still be on target otherwise take an IPN.

Be careful because depending on the manufacturer there are small differences because they don't all use the same shade.

Note: Personally, I am always wary of the embeddedness, which is reputed to be fixed to infinity. In your case it's not true. I would do the fixed embedding on one side and sliding on the other which will give you a better idea of what will happen in real life at the level of the embeddedness. Most collapses occur at this level and less often at the central level.

Last remark for simple diagrams I prefer to use a shell simulation because in the beam mode the rules concerning in particular the presence of holes and the assembly mode (welded or other) do not give the same results.

Repost your assembly with an IPE 80 beam if you want me to compare with IPE 100

Kind regards



Thanks for the info

Very good comments from @Zozo !!!

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