Solver problem in simulation

Hi all

Small problems in solving a calculation on Simulation with direct solver

a window appears and shows me "Exception code 0xc0000005 issued to the 0x140b270e0 address in Star.exe file version 29,5,0,6 ... "

I don't know what to play on in my model or in my calculation parameters to make it pass...

For all the other solvers SW asks me to switch to direct solver because crash

Calculation feasible with "solidary" connection but not in "without penetration"...

IF you have an idea


Thank you

Hello @clement.merlin 

The choice of solver has nothing to do with the error.
Your problem comes from the part that is not constrained.

"No penetration" should not be confused with "Solidarity".

No penetration applies if you have a room A that does not touch another room B. But when part A is deformed under load or force, it will come into contact with part B and obviously in real life, if the two parts have the same material, they will not interpenetrate. It must then be specified that we do not want penetration because SW Simulation does not reason like real life but does what you want.
In your case, it is sufficient to declare that all the components or sub-assemblies are interconnected.
The fact of not declaring "solidary" means that your part is not constrained, which means that from the point of view of the calculation it will go for a walk in petaouchnock and cause an error since the model can never be stable so the calculations will go bananas.
If you declare yourself solidary, it's a bit like if your part was welded or all your parts were a single volume. In your case, this is not true!

[HS On]

Small remark if you allow ;-)  I don't want to hold the candle for you;-)

I see that you use a force but if it's a candle I would tend to think that it's more like a mass that presses on the UPN at the top. You have to know that there is a difference between a mass and a force. In your case, the force remains normal on the selected face (inside of the UPN) so the force will be reflected at the angle of 8°, towards the ground

On the other hand, if you choose A mass or a mass at a distance, it will be normal to a frame of reference, which is here plane 1 representing the ground. If your part deforms with spillage, buckling, warping, you will remain normal on the plane, a bit like if you were pulling vertically with a plumb line cable. You will see that the result is not at all the same given the look of your candle.

If your effort is a mass then you have to reconsider the settings to take into account the very large play and therefore the displacement of the top tube in the lumen, especially since you will have an upward shock and not just downward supports. Shock means dynamic simulation and multiplication of the force as a function of the speed of movement in the light. You still have 20 tons which is starting to add up ;-)

[HS /Off]



Of course, I'm working on it then;-)

As for the force by drawing my triangle of forces that apply to what I am lifting I have an angle of 8°, it is not a mistake.


A HUGE thank you;)

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