Step problem with SW2013


I'm working on Solidwork 2013.

I can't save a file in step format. He creates a notepad file where it is written:

SolidWorks Corporation - STEP Processor Error Log

                      STEP Post Processor

                       STEP File Name: S:\

On the other hand, I don't have a problem with other files.


Thank you

Do you have your file in solidworks so that we can test to see if there is the same error in our country?

Have you rebooted Solidworks and your pc? it can work too

You have to check in the options when saving the type of export. depending on the parameters it makes a step file or a txt

If it's an assembly you have to select if you want the outer components, all the components, or only the outer surfaces

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Thank you for your answers.

I rebooted Solidworks and my PC.