Problem with bent sheet metal

Hi Lynkoians,

As I'm a sheet metal quiche on Solidworks, I'm calling you for help.

I have a sheet metal that I'm in the process of modifying, but I can't get the shape I want. It's just a dish followed by a large ray.

Today, all the machining is done before making the radius of the sheet metal by a sketched fold . My problem is that the sketched fold only accepts to be done if the sheet begins and ends with a flat piece. In addition, I want my sheet metal to fit the part underneath, so the bend radius is frozen

How do I get the right sheet metal?


here is my SW2019 piece

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Make the fold with the excess end and then remove the material.

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Another solution. I did another one because I can't open 2019.

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@soring: Thank you for the play, I like it very much. 

I had never thought of unfolding to do the machining and then fold the part.

I find it "cleaner" than removing material at the end.

I made the @stefbeno version because I was in a bit of a hurry, but I'm saving the method for future pieces.

Thank you both

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