Random Vibration Problem SW Simulation

Hi all! 

I have to perform a Random Vibration simulation for a project. To do this, I have to follow a curve, given below:

Frequency --- PSD

           5 Hz --- 0.040 (g²/Hz)

      100 Hz --- 0.20 (g²/Hz)

      500 Hz --- 0.20 (g²/Hz)

    2000 Hz --- 0.040 (g²/Hz)

I started looking for tutorials on the internet, and I found some, but none of them show how to do this analysis step by step. So I'm stuck on how to insert this curve as external loading.

If you can help me it would be super nice, thank you in advance! :)


I don't have access to this Solidworks module but on the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnV71QSGgtQ link, I see a "Get Curve" button and on this one http://help.solidworks.com/2016/english/SolidWorks/cworks/t_Defining_a_Frequency_Curve.htm it says "To get the curve from an external file, click Get curve" so maybe to try if you haven't already...

Kind regards

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