Printing problems - testimonials

Hi all

So I'm calling on your testimonies because I'm starting to lose a little patience...

I have an HP designjet 500 plotter, so far, so good.

In SolidWorks 2010, everything was working fine.

With SolidWorks 2014 SP5 uh.... everything is going wrong.

- I can't print in color with the file, print function. Luckily, I have MyCadTool's Easy Print tool, and it works. (True until 22/01)

"The other day, without changing anything, I couldn't print in color, no matter what I did. (true on 23/01)

- The next day, the opposite problem, I print in color with file, imrpimer, but not with EasyPrint. (true since 26/01)

Of course, software reinstalled, for info new PC, changed tracer driver etc....

Helpless SW hotline, it's a known bug, solved in SW2015 SP2 no less!!!

When I say I can't print in color, in fact, only the normally red sidecuts come out in black, everything else comes out in color!


Any opinions?


My opinion is that the 2014 SP5 did more harm than anything else.

I have problems with a windows expolrator that closes as soon as I save an assembly...  

I don't have any printing problems with sw because I only print pdfs so it's true that I haven't noticed this type of problem.

On the other hand, in a different post on a plotter, I had to change the buffer memory (spoiler I think)

The buffer memory on my plotter, I have the choice, or by default, or on an additional card. I tried both without success. The most annoying thing is the randomness of the problem, you never know how to send your impressions for sure.

In the worst case, why not downgrade the version and switch to SW 2014 SP4.0 or a more stable version.

The downside is that you have to uninstall and reinstall but if it saves you complications.

It's not silly, but damn it's painful to reinstall everything... I'm keeping it as a joker indeed. But nothing guarantees that it will work in SP4

What does it look like when you print on a classic printer or on a pdf printer?


I also have big printing problems with SW2014 SP5, personally, I can't use the plotter according to the files, sometimes I have to delete the MEP that I took so long to create to redo it from the beginning for it to work...

The problem of colors not printing on some parts of the MEPs, I had it before and I managed to solve it:
Basically, in the configuration of my printer, in terms of colors, I had selected Color mode: Automatic. The plotter took out all the annotations and dimensions that I had put in color, in black and white. Selecting Color Mode: Color works correctly.

to see if it can help you?



I use SW2014 SP5 and I'm not worried. But just like Gerald I print a lot of pdfs.

Do you have the same problem once your drawings are recorded in pdf.

See you.

Off-topic, but I find that the 2015 is even worse!!!


I can't use it because it keeps bugging despite a good installation. I remain doc under 2014  Sp5...


What is your SP on the 2015.

The SP2 EV has been released.

Hello, what about printing as a PDF with PDFCreator or exporting as a PDF from the file › export menu? Are there colors? If so, you can then print the PDF...

PDF printing works, and yes, that's what I do to print... but hello efficiency...


I don't really see the problem of efficiency.

PDF printing is done in bulk with batch converter. Then you can print in bulk just by selecting several files. Trying to print multiple SW drawings in bulk...

In addition, printing is in pdf is mandatory for internal communication and to the various partners.


I don't really see the problem of efficiency.

PDF printing is done in bulk with batch converter. Then you can print in bulk just by selecting several files. Trying to print multiple SW drawings in bulk...

In addition, printing is in pdf is mandatory for internal communication and to the various partners.


Well, the problem of efficiency... Most of our plans are for in-house manufacturing. Every time I have to take out a plan, I have to pass it in PDF, then print it... Thank you!

Pi at the price of the software it's supposed to print correctly, right?

The whole drawing is in black and white? Is it good for all files?
Are all the drivers up to date? Even those of the graphics card? You can check and download the latest recommended drivers here: Otherwise, you should try resetting the SolidWorks settings to see if it doesn't come from the configuration of the workstation, see this tutorial:
Using layers?
If you change the quality of the views from high quality to draft quality, does that change anything?
Is it the same problem on a drawing where there are no hatchings?

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