How to create my3Dplayer players


I would like to understand what is the procedure  for creating players?

I must have missed some info somewhere!
Help?  Thank you in advance


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OK!! Thank you!
so there I created a green button player hidden at the top right ^^, I downloaded my 3D, changed the background and materials/colors and then create a sequence and now I do steps:

If I want to make a very specific trip but that is not according to the orthonormal reference point that has been automatically put, how do I do it?

On the other hand, it took me a while to understand that I had to add another group within the stage so that  animations take place at the same time by setting the delay to the same value for the groups but in fact it's logical!!

Thank you in advance!


You can choose to move by clicking on a surface, the axis along which you want to move will be positioned orthogonally to this surface.
To do this, please click on the button highlighted in yellow in the image.

Indeed, for your second remark, you can do a rotation at the same time as a translation by creating another group by matching the 'Delay' parameter.


For information, you can participate in the my3Dplayer + VR webinar this Tuesday, September 11 at 11:00 am, we expect many of you :)

I won't miss it! Thank you!


For information, an FAQ is now available in the tutorials menu.


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Otherwise we put videos in this YouTube playlist (create a player, sequences with steps, animations, etc...)

Playlist my3Dplayer

These videos will soon be updated to fit the new interface.

Kind regards

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