Programming VB.NET


I'm trying to develop a tool to insert library parts into an assembly. I manage to do this with "AddComponent5" automatically by inserting my part with coordinates 0,0,0.

Command line: 

swComp1 = swAsmModel.AddComponent5(swTmpModel.GetPathName, 1, "", False, "Vis CHC M20x030", 0, 0, 0)

We would have to stop the program and take control and then resume execution to finish the procedure.

Is there a solution to achieve this?

Thank you for your help.


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Take a look at the DoEvents feature.

Kind regards


Thank you I'll dig into this side, does anyone have any examples?

Kind regards


A little research on lynkoa gives several results including this one:


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I haven't had time to look yet, I'll get back to you when I have found a solution.

How to close this question.

Thank you for your answers.