Config prt property imported into MEP


I take the liberty of opening a question that has already been asked because the answers are not adapted to my problem. Excuse me for this potential duplication.

I'm looking to insert on a drawing the names of the configurations of my room as well as some custom properties.

I only have 2 configs with 2 custom properties that I want to display. The family table method is too cumbersome for the case.

Is it possible directly in a general table to insert a line of "code"? In fact, I'm looking for the right syntax.

Basically, I have a 2x3 table and given the size, I can manually fill in each box

"SW-Name of the config@@K1"         | "SW-Name of config@@K2"                

"DETAIL@@K1"                                |         "DETAIL@@K2"         

"CODE_INDUS@@K1"                      |         "CODE_INDUS@@K2"    

Thank you



It is possible to link notes to properties of the document very simply, all you need is for the custom properties to appear in the properties of the 3D:

SW-Configuration NameThe name of the configuration in the ConfigurationManager of a part or assembly
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