Color property as a function of a processing property


Is there an easy way to assign a color to a room based on the "Protection" property

Zinc plating, burnishing, blue paint etc.

By going through the property file. PRTPRP

Thanks in advance

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Hello @foufounet!

As it's quiet in the area, I'll give you my point of view...

To do this, there is no solution that exists directly. Several alternatives:

  1. Create a macro that links protection to an appearance.
  2. create the materials by set of shades + protection (S235 burnished, S235 painted RAL 5015, 2017A anodized yellow...) so that the appearance will be assigned to the material (basic functionality SW).
  3. Create a custom color palette, or a family of appearances that you can quickly (but not automatically) assign according to the protection you want.



+1 for creating a library of materials with a different color per processing.

I use this method for moss/wood thicknesses in my case.

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It's a bit complicated to set up but I created parts files (.prtdot) with the material as well as surface treatments. Yes, if you have a good command of the families of parts, you can create all your materials and surface treatments in a file. prtdot

Look at it there I have 3 configs of material (S235-I304-Galvanized).

You open it and choose your type of material or coating and then you do what you have to do in it...  

PS: in the custom properties, I forgot to change it because you have to fill it in manually when creating the configuration.



As said by Benoit.LF, it doesn't seem to me that there is an existing solution directly. For me it's by macro with:

- Step 1: Choice of material.

- Step 2: Choice of treatment with assignment of the room color automatically according to the chosen treatment.

If the user wants to change the part color manually, they can do so using a custom color palette.

So it's a mix between points 1 and 3.

A ac cobra 427, for example, for 30 different materials that can have 5 different treatments each makes you 150 configurations or did I misunderstand your solution?

Kind regards


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Thank you for your answers, so I'm going to make materials with shades of colors
according to the processing in parts (.prtdot). (point 2 of Benoit LF).
Macro too complicated for me sorry d.roger!

Kind regards