Personal property



I created some personal properties, with the help of the gt22 tutorial (thanks to him by the way).

So it works very well on a part but in an assembly it doesn't work. Is there a pot holder to do? or is it impossible?


Thanks in advance

Kind regards



What's wrong?

The properties of an assembly file must be redone for the assembly template because a part file and an assembly file are different.

The same goes for the drawing.




Valentin, don't you have mycad utilities (including smartproperties)?

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How do I change templates?




Sisi but I've never looked into it

Smartproperties are (in my opinion) "THE" solution, it's configuration time (let's not hide it) at the beginning but the time saved every day and above all you make your properties more "clean" (with multiple choice lists, obligations to fill in, etc.......) especially if you are several cartoonists.


You can set a specific directory for your document templates (in tools/options/file locations and for "document template" you define a directory (on a network if you are several designers).


To create your document templates (with your properties pre-filled I guess), you start with the basic templates of the SolidWorks templates and you save it as  template (*.asmdot,*.prtdot,*.drwdot)