In SW 2021, is it possible to add custom properties on sheet metal bodies in the list of welded parts, by default, as can be done for lambda bodies? I would like to see an "id" property automatically added when creating a sheet metal body. But I can't find a place where this would be possible, apparently these default sheet metal properties are fixed?
Thank you
PS: If SW 2022 has some interesting features on this side, I'm interested too!
You can generate welded parts list IDs or unique part IDs for each welded parts list in a welded parts list folder based on on the welded parts list attributes. Click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Welded Constructions. Under Welded Parts List ID, select Generate Welded Parts List IDs welded parts. Each generated weld part list ID is added to the corresponding folder. Welded parts list IDs result in a unique naming convention of Welded parts lists that can also be used to index the database. You can define different expression values based on the type of parts list Welded.