Custom properties only in parts?

Good morning,

I wanted to use / try the "custom properties" to edit the few infos of my MEP without going through "File properties"

So I created to test a form with 3 infos: Creation date, customer and material.

I changed the default folder to the one where I put my templates.

But it doesn't work, so I did the test by creating a part and there oh miracle it works, I change my info and I validate everything works.

So I did the test with an assembly and there as for the MEP it doesn't work.


- Is it a bug (since you can go through the properties of the file in parts / asm or MEP) or is it normal that only the parts are concerned?

 Answer : yes it's a bug because "cleanty Tab Builder" only offers to save as a part template.

- Should there be a different model for each type (room/asm or MEP)

Answer : Yes, you need a different file for each type of SW file with the following extensions:

  • .prtprp for parts
  • .asmprp for assemblies
  • .drwprp for drawings
  • .wldprp for welded constructions

So for other than the part model, you have to rename the file extension to the desired type.

OK I answered myself but it can help;)

In fact, while writing my questions I still had the idea of clicking on ? from the publisher and I saw that there were several extensions.

On the other hand, once all the types are done, it is no longer possible to open the editor via SW (not found) so I had to go through the task manager to locate the .exe. it's in SOLIDWORKS/sldCleantyTabBuilder so you can pin it to win10.

And there once again when I wanted to right-click on it that he would like to use it in the Solidworks tools of the Grrrrr started menu

In fact there are 2 SolidWorks menus and SolidWorks Tools under win10 (halalala you have to find your way around all this)


Well ba ... thanks to me XD and happy reading

Edit: maybe I should pass it to tutorial and send the info to the support




Hello FUZ3D

Even if you don't make a tutorial right away, anyone who asks the same question will be offered your topic in the right frame.

So that leaves you an hour or two to do your tutorial (gnarf gnarf gnarf) :-)

To Plutarch

Flute I can't self-validate XD  EDIT: Actually I can.

I've made a ticket for support, we'll see if it's already been reported.

Tutorial in fact I'm going to drop :p

You must choose the desired file type here:


Thanks to Max59 for the support for answering my lack of attention, the extension is chosen before creation and any modification instead of being chosen at the time of registration.

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