Purge temporary files

Hello, I have too frequent problems with crashes, "Solidworks has encountered a problem and needs to close" is a message that I see far too much... However, I have lowered the graphics performance of Solidworks to the minimum, I work with a maximum of two files open at a time... With everything on my PC, I have about 6500 MB of free physical memory when I only run solidworks without opening any files... The problem is that as soon as I work, the physical memory quickly reaches saturation and crashes the software... I noticed that I had a lot of temporary files that eat up my memory and I would have liked to know if there was a way to purge these files whenever I want?

I know the Solidworks options and I know that there is an automatic purge that can be adjusted... The problem is different, I want to keep these files but be able to purge them manually when necessary, i.e. when I am working on specific assemblies that take up a lot of my RAM.

Is there a way to do that?

Thank you

You can already purge the configuration data if you have any, in system options/Performance.


Other than that, I don't see.


Your post may be full of, isn't it?

A shot from CCleaner?


SolidWorks Farm.

Uses SolidWorks RX

From the Start menu, then SolidWorks and the SolidWorks tool

Go to the "System Maintenance" tab and click on  "Start Maintenance"





Here's an interesting tutorial:

It would be the "GDI Objects" that can be displayed in the Task Manager > Process Tab > View > Select Columns menu > Check GDI Object.

How many GDI objects do you have for SolidWorks? The Windows limit would default to 10,000. If you exceed it, the application crashes.

The maximum number of GDI objects in the registry can be changed:

Advanced users only! I decline all responsibility! (never tested)

Start Menu> Run > Regedit, then go to  :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\GDIProcessHandleQuota

The registry key to change the per-process limit (GDIProcessHandleQuota) to the upper limit: 16.384; Be careful to be in decimal! 

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Otherwise when working on many projects / assemblies, it is advisable to close SolidWorks at change change, or at least once a day (at noon by restarting at least SolidWorks, or even the PC).

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Do you also use the Resource Monitor?



Otherwise, it is strongly recommended to disable all add-ins that are not used in Tools > Add-ins (do not launch them at startup...)

And of course, I imagine that you have the latest version of the drivers recommended by SolidWorks here:


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So then...

@Bart, I have almost no configuration data but I still purged the story of.

@flegendre, I really need to finish some plans tonight, I'll launch Solidworks MX when I leave work, I really don't have time to waste these last few days :-/ I'll tell you if it changed anything

@Lucas, I didn't know about these GDI objects. I checked, basically Solidworks uses about 1500 when I have a file open, I don't think that's what makes everything crash... Otherwise, I actually have the latest version of the drivers, I update them regularly! After that, I have almost no add-ons because I have Solidworks Standard :-/ I only have the axembles utilities.
On the other hand, I think I'll adopt a restart of my PC every lunchtime...

I'll keep you informed, thank you for your answers!!

The number of GDI objects increases a priori with the time of use (or rather the number of files opened), so looking at the number at a given time will not give a precise idea. We should look before it crashes for example!

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By the way, I'll ask SW to warn me before planting next time;D


No, no kidding, I'll keep a closer eye on it =)