Quality of image insertion in a drawing


I have a small problem about the insertion of images, more specifically screenshots, in an M.E.P. because they are illegible. I have a table that I would like to insert into a drawing, for many reasons I need to insert it as an image so a screenshot. The problem is that the image is really illegible and I don't understand why. I have the same problem with the screenshot of a sketch and the image of a painting from the internet but not the other images from the internet.

Can you help me please? Is there a format to save in so as not to have this problem or a resolution to have? Or even another method?

Thank you

The keys:
- Bitmap (BMP, JPEG) or vector (PNG) image
- the definition of the image for bitmaps.

First of all, rather than taking a screenshot, make an export (via the software or via pdfcreator) by trying to increase the resolution. Possibly try the PNG format.


How to export part of an excel board please?


Print the excel file with PDF creator and then insert it into your MEP.

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I tried with PDF Creator, here's what I get after inserting:

I would like it to be as sharp as an inserted painting.


Save or print your table in PDF format that you can use, if necessary use a PDF-> JPG/BMP converter on the internet to transform it into an image. site for example https://pdf2jpg.net/fr/


Hi, if you go to the print settings of pdf creator what do you have to the default parameter line??? standard like me??? Because the drop-down menu offers optimal quality!!  




Todesco is better but it is still "pixelated", I will try to dig.

G. I don't have this nail, certainly not the access:


On the window you have, you click on advanced...

and you have a "print quality" tab.



Indeed it changes the quality of the image created but when inserting I lose all this quality:


The painting remains of very average quality because you have to zoom in, right? in the Solid options when you go to the "Image quality" tab in the document properties, try to increase the "very top" shaded image resolution a little.


But I think you'll never have something nikel... otherwise you would already have it.


Okay, I'm a bit out of ideas, but I'll keep looking, I'll keep you posted if ever.

Thank you for your answers!

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I think I've found the solution!
I use the "Camera" tool in Excel allowing me to have the same table as in the software, I keep the link with the file but I no longer have the problem of "the viewing window" resizing automatically.


Just to answer stefbeno, png is a raster format, like jpg and bmp and not a vector format

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