Quantity of parts for an assembly containing configurations



In an assembly containing several configurations, when I do the MEP and insert the bill of materials, the quantities are automatically uploaded from the assembly. However, for a particular item, it is not the quantity of parts in the configuration that goes back but that of all the configurations in the assembly. So the quantity for this item is wrong in the nomenclature.


I checked well, in the construction tree of my configuration there are only the right number of parts present. No matter how much I also look in the PropetyManager for the assembly and the part in question, I can't find the reason for this "discrepancy". Do you know the solution?


Thank you in advance


Can you send us a screen of your property manager to see the options of your nomenclature.



Look in the configuration of your room if you haven't checked "promote"

May the force be with you



No problem, see attached thank you.


That's what it looks like.


For Obi Wan, I checked, it's "Show" that is selected




In your last printout screen you checked "display with the same article number" I think you should uncheck it.


Thank you for your answer Coyote. I tried to uncheck "Show with the same article number" but it doesn't help.


Normally I have a quantity that should be 2, but I want the two parts to have only one number in the nomenclature, hence the fact that the box is checked. In my opinion, it doesn't have an impact on the fact that the quantity is 27 instead of 2. Won't there be somewhere in the properties of the part an element that could impact the quantity taken into account in the nomenclature?



Well in fact it's my fault (obviously the machine does only what we ask of it...) The quantity displayed is the right one. Only this article is used in a sub-assembly that fits in the construction tree of the assembly, so it's normal that it details the whole assembly, since it's "Parts only" that is selected in "BOM type".


So I would still need to detail the assembly. In short, there is an in-between : the details of some sub-assemblies but not all, and not only the "first-level nomenclature". Is it possible to detail only certain sub-assemblies and not others?

I need to provide a flow list for production. What I would like to do in the end is to group all the flows in a single nomenclature, rather than having as many nomenclatures as subsets.



If you want to display the details of some subsets, you need:

 - open the subset in question

 - go to the Property Manager

 - right-click on the configuration-> Properties->Check Promote.


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