Amount of subassembly in an assembly

Hi all

I have a large assembly that I imported on the first page of a drawing. My second sheet has a nomenclature at the first level. My following sheets are used to present an axonometric view of the subassemblies to describe their composition. I would also like to see the Qty of this subset in the overall assembly.

How would you do it?

FYI, specifying the correct nomenclature in the view properties is useless because the balloons always relate to the component and never to the subassembly.

Thank you!



On my side for the quantity, I insert a text that I fill in manually.

But there is a small macro that allows you to control the quantities of assemblies annotated in the drawings .

This macro exists in the myCADtools2020 toolbar, it's not bad, plus it created an Excell.

I can't show the icon that goes well in this toolbar because my pc is being processed.

Tomorrow morning I'll send you a screenshot of this...

But on the other hand, if you have another solution, I'm also interested.

Good luck @+.


Thank you for your answer.

I don't have mycadtools:(

It seems to be an obvious function.

I also filled in this info by hand.

See you again!


So here is the screenshot of the Mycadtools toolbar.

To be discussed with your dealer or Visiativ.

Have a nice day.



I do not fully visualize your request.
From what I understand (i.e. displaying the parts contained in a Subassembly), a "tabbed list" BOM could be suitable.

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No, it is a matter of indicating in a drawing the number of times a subassembly is present in an assembly. Bubble tools seem to be more component-oriented than sub-assembly oriented