Thank you for your answers.
I think we shouldn't confuse the features that PDM offers with the problems encountered.
Indeed, if we compare PDM to working with several people on files in a network share, indeed long live PDM.
How we use:
We are a design office of 8 positions, we work on large special machines, even complete production lines (ASM of + 20,000pcs and many external references, several draftsmen work on different parts of the same project).
Work flow:
The 1st workflow was set up by Visiativ and was supposed to do a lot of things (automatically generate PDFs and DXFs) but the tasks mess up randomly, the flow follows the external references so when you want to go through a revision on a part, you pass the revision on the part from which you draw the reference, and also on all the pieces that also draw refs.
Namely, we have a VERY GOOD command of the Refs.Ext, no cyclical refs and references mastered by us (they all point to a single part that contains only sketches for example), it is not our method that should be questioned. (I can argue)
As this workflow was super heavy and not functional, I took it myself to simplify it. As a result, it's better, the tasks are OK but the performance is still not there.
Example of problems encountered:
- Sometimes you end up being a read-only extract
- Sometimes it says "version 0 has been modified" when we are at version xxx and version 0 does not exist
- Unable to check out or archive for several reasons:
--- Missing data for the bill of materials
--- File not unique but PDM does not say which one!! Forced to search by hand. Result we easily lose 30min
- Remote desktop use with poor throughput makes PDM usage impossible (it's not slow... just it doesn't work)
- The versions and information in SW and Explorer are not always consistent.
- You can't archive by the explorer if SW is open.
- If we archive or get with SW open on a big ASM, SW opens the parts one by one in a new window, returns to the main rebuilt ASM EVERYTHING, re-opens the 2nd part on 20,000, returns to the rebuilt ASM ... We did the test, SW runs in a loop for a good half day.
The best thing to do is to kill it and do everything SW closed in the explorer and then finally launch SW.
- The messages: "Be careful, you are read-only" are unbearable! and keeps coming back
- If you launch a macro for example that closes the file with or without saving, if you are not extracted it asks you each time to register under (logical?) so in the end you cannot do a batch job without extracting and then canceling the extraction.
- There are a number of bugs with the cards, for example if the 1st sheet of a drawing does not contain a template, the card does not fill
- We have it extracted and there Pouff the file is extracted by a colleague but on his own workstation!! Forced to log in with the colleague's account to archive and then change accounts! Crazy!
-Impossible to open two different revisions at the same time!! So you can't compare the versions unless you make a tree copy with a prefix or a branch
I can continue the list of bugs on 3 pages without any problem and all this in my head, I can also reproduce these bugs on request on any installation of SW+PDM
- Project manager does NOT work with PDM
- Other myCAD tools like integration don't work well with PDM
I myself sent 100 screenshots and videos to visiativ + creation of 10 tickets...
Our configuration:
Fujitsu Server of 2018 with:
Bi-Xeon 3Ghz 64GB RAM 10k SAS disk in RAID
Workstation: I7/I9 99xxxK or Xeon between 3.70Ghz and 5.3Ghz with 64 GB RAM too + Quadro P5000 and M2 NAND hard drive.
The performance monitor on the server and on the workstations is at less than 10% almost all the time.
Everything is in gigabit on a single switch with the server which also has network cards in Teaming to further increase the bandwidth...
Visiativ and other companies have audited our installation and everything seems OK.
I even once reinstalled everything with a consultant from visiativ, we redid everything, went through everything with a fine-tooth comb and the result is always the same.
So I hear that you are satisfied, I tell myself that we have to keep looking, it may be a little stupid thing that poses all these problems.
Thank you for your feedback,