What tag can be used in the dimension text?


I currently know the <DIM> tag that everyone knows 

I also know <STACK size=0.6 divider=no><OVER>8</STACK> to display a subscript text

Do you know any other? 

Hello @Haerack

The list is long look HERE

and also LOOK HERE for some examples

HERE THE location of the symbol library

You can EVEN ADD MORE if you wish.

and Finally REGARDS

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Hello, thank you for your question but I was asking the question about the HTML type tag for example, 


I have also just seen if you want to change the size of a part of the quote text you just have to add before the text <front size="2">.

That's the kind of tag I was talking about. 

I have seen nowhere in the help what possibility we have.

it's HTML language I guess.

I put for the next ones tags that I found 

Useful for transforming part of the dimension text:

To reduce the size of the coast

 <font size="2"> Text: 

To italicize:

<font style=I> = Italics

<font style=R> = normal

To color:

<font color="red">: red