Could you have the big differences between CATIA and SOLIDWORKS?
I know that two software programs can work together, but I don't understand the distinctions.
Could you have the big differences between CATIA and SOLIDWORKS?
I know that two software programs can work together, but I don't understand the distinctions.
Below is a small comparison:
The price mainly
otherwise catia is more for very large installations
it has nothing to do with it
Catia is mainly used to draw vehicles (planes, cars...)
because it encompasses a good number of modules.
you will find the latter mainly in large companies.
If you work on catia surface there's no better
2 Log completely different ............................... not the same price either
@bengall said
tell yourself that CATIA is like a formula 1 before you make a time you will go to the sandbox a good number of times! On the other hand, when you master it!!! It's going to hurt!
SW C plus a Rally car! Powerful but closer to your usual car!
So it's quicker to get to grips with!
Relevant response from @gt22
and + he doesn't work together...................................... even if it's the same publisher
There is no ease of file transfer
as well
SoliWorks to Catia
Catia to solidworks
in addition to the Datakit log.......................... another nice post ;-(
the latest version in 2017 of SoliWorks
It seems that the reading of the files has been improved???????????????????????????????
The big difference between the two programs is that their geometric kernels are very different from each other.
CGM for CATIA V5 (Proprietary)
Parasolid for SW.
It is this difference that can present the + of difficulties (during exchanges).
Define working together!!
The 2017 version of SW Premium (untested) announces the use of CATIA data directly in SW.
There is no equivalent of using SW data directly in CATIA.
EDIT: Use of CATIA data in the SW ASS (not the CATIA "graph" construction history data usable in SW).
Thank you for your answers.
Indeed, envy of my auto and use field , it is undeniable that Catia will be of little use to me.
Thank you.
In reply to the comparison posted by @vspemens
I don't entirely agree with the red and green V crosses
And I don't think that a CATIA user agrees with this comparison
Have a nice day
@+ ;-)
+1 @gt22 it looks like a "colaborative" comparison it is not correct
Just look at this and on the creation of even combat surface
+1 with GT22
This comparison is propaganda for solidworks !
Having worked 4 years on CATIA and 6 years on solidworks, I confirm that the second one is more user-friendly and easier to access. but when you work every day psa really difference on the "standard" functions except that CATIA you only use it at 10% of these capacities! It's made to work in a project team with different experts
especially in surface / sheet metal Catia has nothing to envy to solidworks far from it
He doesn't work in the same category at all
Aviation, Automobile, Rail Transport, Racing Boats
Bump on CATIA and not SOLIDWORKS
comic ;-)
For example, see these links