Which graphics tablet with screen to choose?

Good evening!!  

In fact I already have a small XP-Pen Star03 graphics tablet (I paid 60 euros for it and I'm fully satisfied with it) but it doesn't have a built-in screen so it's a misery to draw, I can't do it at all. Either I look at the tablet but I don't see what I'm doing, or I look at the screen but I don't see what I'm doing either. The only way would be to have a strabismus but I don't have one. So I've never really drawn with it and it doesn't make me want to.

So I'd like to turn to a graphic tablet with a screen, or even to draw directly on a classic tablet with a good software like Sketchbook.

I found the wacom cintiq 13HD and the XP-Pen Artist 16 Pro ( https://www.xp-pen.fr/goods/show/id/265.html ) but I don't know which one to choose. I had made many comparisons between the brands, and frankly we can't say that Wacom is frankly ahead of XP-Pen.

Wacom is the best brand of graphics tablet. At least technologically, they are ahead of the competition. It's just that it costs a kidney.

An XP-Pen will satisfy 95% of people, and which moreover launches into the genre of the 13 HD, with the Artist 15.6, Artist 22E Pro, a similar design, but another price and a much larger screen!

XP-Pen Artist 16 Pro: (8192 pressure levels, 1,920 x 1,080 high-resolution, 15.6", 8 ExpressKeys, EUR 538 )

Wacom Cintiq 13HD: (2048 pressure levels, 1,920 x 1,080 high resolution, 13,3",4 hotKeys,EUR 900).

Hi guys, what do you recommend as a graphics tablet?

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