Interesting question!

Since no one answered my previous question,

I'm revisiting the subject here:

Do you use functional analysis methods as a preamble to a design? (yes or no?)

By methods of analysis, I am thinking of the analysis of needs (APTE = horned beast and octopus diagram), FAST, hierarchy of functions, ...

or quality: Value analysis, FMEA, SMED, ...

Thanks in advance!




occasionally if necessary, but I'm not free to decide (unfortunately)!

My hierarchy tends to condition me according to their desires :/.


@ leblanc

This is unfortunately often the case due to lack of knowledge




That is to say that you would like to use these analysis methods but not your hierarchy?

But knowledge is transmitted, otherwise this site would not exist... We are a team, and I consider that everyone can bring this sauce (brainstorming), but when there is a personal interest in grasping the team spirit disappears as if by magic...


+1000 a.leblanc.. For your last answer ^_^ ;-)


No, that's not quite it, alain. ERP, of course I would like to apply these methods when talking about design, but I don't decide the weather at the BE. When there is a "Random" button and you have a printer that is fine, why ask yourself more questions?


Gt22, I may not have the label of an engineer, but I've been in the field and not in a sandwich shop. For example, when you have a colleague who has done more studies than you, oriented in materials analysis, and he asks you the meaning of the term abrasive, it drives me crazy!



During my studies we used these methods for mini projects... I would like to use them now at work but unfortunately I have direct access to the design since they give me almost all the information...

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In my opinion, functional analysis is a mandatory step, to ask the right questions from the beginning. And it's a time saver in the long run I think. 


+1 btorres_01, that's often the problem, we are not given time to check or share ideas.


@Alain, honestly I haven't applied these methods in any of the boxes I've been able to go through (about 10).

These are probably very good methods, but from an SME point of view, it's like a waste of time when you're already chasing ;)


@ leblanc when I was talking about lack of knowledge

it wasn't for you but of course the hierarchy of the BE

depending on the structure(s) of BE

and which of + is according to your position, your rank, your function 

You are often put in a box that by authority does not give you the right to speak

So do what I tell you and don't argue

My pleasure was at a certain time

to create things that I knew for no purpose

simply to prove the error of judgment of the design of the said product

What time and money wasted following the directives of the little bosses

@+ ;-)


  1. The chef is always right
  2. In the highly unlikely event that a subordinate is correct, see section 1
  3. The chef does not sleep at work. He thinks.
  4. The chef is never late. He is being held elsewhere.
  5. The chef never leaves his job early. He has a business meeting
  6. The boss never reads his newspaper at work. He inquires.
  7. The chef does not abuse his secretary. He educates him
  8. The leader is always the leader. Even naked
  9. Whoever enters the chief's office with his own opinions must leave with those of the chief.
  10. In case of doubt, Article 1 takes precedence

Thank you gt22 dsl, certainly sometimes the hierarchy lacks knowledge and that's why they are well surrounded. But at this level, there are no worries within the team, we have a very competent and very human head of design, with us the problem is further north. It is out of the question to involve someone in a project unless you need them, it is rather in that sense that it is a shame, because sometimes I would like to learn more in other fields (for example, we have Ansys at the BE, but not touch...).



And do you use these methods sometimes?


We don't use these methods, except that we have a fairly advanced functional specification. (when you take the time to do so).

Basically, I don't see the point on a small project where I'm going to spend more time doing these administrative documents than the project itself.

After that, I think it depends a lot on your field and your projects.

On the other hand, I'm starting to be asked to do eco-design, and according to the information I've had, I see it as very time-consuming.



I think that sometimes it could be very useful, a functional analysis allows you to have a good functional rating and thus to optimize a chain of dimensions.


@alain. ERP


I use the horned beast diagram and the octopus diagram, I have such a diversity of projects that without it I would get lost. 

After I am in a nascent design office, maybe in the long run we won't work like that anymore (due to lack of time), but it would be a shame because it helps me a lot. 

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Thank you all!

It is a survey rich in lessons in any case.

I note that these methods are very little used, even though they play an important role in training courses.

Although I was reluctant at the very beginning, when I discovered Functional Analysis (I had the impression that we were pushing open doors), I sincerely think that it is a way of thinking that rationalizes the pre-study. It can be dealt with quite quickly in the end with habit because many of the topics of study are quite similar.

This is ultimately what I did as a cartoonist when I discovered a new study: I took the time to organize the data that was provided to me so as not to miss anything important, to take the time to look for alternative solutions to the one that comes out of habit, ...

In short, the reasoning behind these methods is very rational, but you still have to appropriate them and master the basics correctly.



It must also be said that in my time, during my studies, I did  not see these methods, or too quickly for me to remember them.


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