Shortcut to Select Under Assembly


I would like to put the "Select under assembly" command as a keyboard shortcut, but I can't find it.
Does anyone have a tip?
Thank you.


Hi @ hervé


You can indeed select a part or an assembly with a right click, but it seems to me that it's only in a MEP.

For me, in an assembly with subassemblies, I click on a part of the assembly, then right-click and choose "select assembly".
There you will see the assembly highlighted in the FeatureManager.


@+ ;-)

I found a video on this subject


Keyboard shortcuts can be configured when you right-click on a command bar (open a room first), then customize and keyboard.


Have a nice day.

Right-click on a part, the first line of the context menu offers "Select subassembly".


EDIT: I misunderstood the question: I can't find this function in the keyboard customization either! It's Friday afternoon, I have to apologize!


Just like Benoit.LF. I can't find this command but just "selection".

Here's what I find :


You can use this macro (exactly the same function) and call it up with a keypad.


We agree, it's a hack, we should have access to this function in a conventional way for keyboard shortcuts!




Did you get the wrong page@gt22 !!!


It was here that you were discussing:


Come on, don't worry, it's the weekend in a few hours, you'll be able to release the pressure... ;-)

1 Like

and @ Benoit

yes completely out




Thank you all for your answers.

So I wasn't crazy, you can't.

Otherwise thanks to Benoit.LF   I'm going to  use your macro trying to modify it maybe a little so that it takes me directly to the top.

On the other hand, is it normal that it doesn't open the "official" dialog box?

Thank you.


It's an old macro (last recorded 2007), it may not use the same functionality!


If not, try using the macro recording tool!?