Add a specific property to the configuration

Hi everyone


I have a little problem again (nothing too serious).

There you go, I'd like to add a specific property to the config to one of my parts families (which is composed of 20 members).

And adding it on each config is a bit s****, long, and there's a risk of error and forgetting.


Is there a way to make it from the excel file of the part family?

If so, could you tell me how to do that?

I forgot, for SolidWorks 2014 SP04.


Thank you in advance and bon appétit (with a little in advance)




Hello, yes it's possible, just add a column in the Excel file and respect the formatting
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If necessary to respect the formatting, add a property by hand for one or two configs and see what is written in the header.


Yet another thing learned.


Thank you very much.

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