RE-extrusion/removal of material on non-flat surface

Tomalam has a great tutorial on this ( I do everything as instructed but it does NOT work on a cylinder. A window opens: "the surface is not // on the plane". No way to bias. HELP!


Are you sure that the sketch of your extrusion does not extend beyond the edges of the surface? Otherwise you have to select the surrounding area as well.



You create a plane at a distance X from your surface

On this plan you draw a sketch

You project your sketch onto the surface via the surface sketch selection

Then you extrude or you remove material 

Take a screenshot of what you want to do and I'll give you an example 

If you take a good look at my creation tree you should understand the procedure to follow


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see the attached file eb SW 2012

I made a sketch offset to visualize the extrusion of the shape of the lettering

@+ ;-))


Here are the personalized  tutorials^^

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View this image Material removal

and the attached file in SW 2012

here I think you have enough ref now to do what you want

@+ ;-))


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@ Arnoob

Write down the answer that suits you in solved


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