Re-organize Soliworks folder without losing references


I work in a growing design office. As a result, we want to review the organization of SolidWorks folders and files in all of our products. These "product assembly" files are referenced by assemblies and parts found in their respective folders but also in a library common to all types of products (some files are even common to several products). I am aware that a radical change in the organization and locations of all these files risks destroying the references and links between them. I'm talking about a set of just under 40,000 files and I don't want to open each assembly by hand and recreate the links. 

I found as a solution:

- Solidworks Explorer, too slow for my taste and not suitable for mass change.

- the Bibotac application, which allows you to modify, rename and move SW files while keeping their references but which can only be applied to a set of 10,000 files at most.

I'm coming to you to find out if you have a solution, a tip to suggest to me?

Thanks in advance!



The 10,000 file limit applies only to the use of the tracking feature that allows you to use Windows Explorer to move or rename files and folders without losing links. 

Apart from this function, you can use all functions (Moving or renaming files and folders without limitation of number).

I put this limit of 10,000 files for the tracking function only for the sake of convenience (If there are too many files referenced, you have to wait a while after each change in Windows Explorer and I was afraid that users wouldn't have  the patience). So this limit could also be removed.

I remain at your disposal if you have any questions.

Joël Condevaux


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Maybe try the "ProjectExplorer" tool from myCADtools 

I don't know the behavior with more than 10000 files

You can watch the video:

You can display subtitles in French

1-month free trial of myCADtools (SW 2016 to 2019): 


Hello Mr Condevaux,

First of all, I would like to thank you for your answer and the provision of your software.

Indeed, I had misunderstood the tracking function and I thank you for this correction.

For now, if, as you say, the tracking function on too many files would slow everything down, we are not going to take the risk.

Could I get back to you if I change my mind?

Thank you again.

Matthias EMON

I'm going to try that as well. 

But for the moment, Project Explorer is struggling to deal with everything.

Kind regards

Switching to EPDM: expensive and cumbersome but durable over time (and with lots of nice parameters to put in place...). It also avoids duplication (the ultimate plague of the BE of about fifteen people) and hidden parts in an unlikely tree structure (if not locally on a person's workstation).

It should be noted that changing the parts of the repertoire can lead to quite long reaction times on EPDM (especially for the screw used in 98% of assemblies...). After an unfortunate drag/drop in the vault we also realized that it is faster to lower a directory into a subdirectory than to bring it back to its initial place (incredibly long in this sense on EPDM 2015)