Finding a Formula for Creating a SW Equation

Hello everyone.


First of all, I would like to wish you all the best for happiness and success in 2015.


I'm turning to you for a question that will surely seem very simple for these trains but I don't know the answer.


I'm looking for the mathematical formula to create a repetition of holes with respect to an interval.

This interval translates into a graph in the form of a step (see the attached PDF)

Concretely for a center distance between 0 and 1000mm I have 2 holes, then for each additional 500mm I have an additional hole.


Thank you in advance for your help


Kind regards





With an equation in

if 0<o.c.<1000, 2 holes

if 1000< center-to-center<1500,3 holes etc...

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If the spacing less than 1000 => number of holes =2

If the center distance is greater than 1000 => hole = (center distance/500)+1 and make a truncation to have an entertainer number.

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I racked my head for hours on equations of this type.

I lost hair lol.

The ones I use make a number of holes according to a maximum center distance (which I enter in a global variable) and according to the length. Taking into account departures if there are departures.

but I don't really know if that's what you're looking for...


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I want a maximum center distance of 500mm by 1693mm with a start on each side at 150mm.

I enter the values on the 3d. Length, start and I enter the equations in global variable 500 in maximum center distance

A little reconstruction and presto! I end up with 4 holes with a center distance of 464.33mm






Hello, I used formulas that do exactly that on Xcel, it helps me to quickly size networks according to my regulatory speeds and diameters. I don't know if on Solidworks it works but basically my formula is:

=CHOOSE(EQUIV(Value of the centre distance;{ has; b; c;d;e; f; g; h; i;j; k}; 1); 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11)

or the letters (a; b; c...) are your intervals and or the sequence of numbers (except the 1 in bold) are the values to give according to your interval.

To better edit my formula:

-If your center distance is between a and b, then your result is 1
-If your center distance is between b and c, then your result is 2
-... etc... etc
-If your center distance is greater than k, then your result is 11

I'm not sure it helps you but you never know ^^

After that, if the formula doesn't work directly on Solidworks, you can integrate an Xcel board into your part.




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