Looking for a cartoonist

Hi all

Here is the situation, I have been self-employed for 10 years but, I need change and quickly!

So I'm looking for a designer, especially for a client I'm currently working with, who could take over the file fairly quickly.

I am ready to take time either by phone, teamviewer, etc... to explain the current file and the others to follow because there is a big potential for future projects.

Thank you in advance for your answers.



You are not in the right section for this kind of request but since it is done : you could perhaps specify in which region of the world and in which city your customer is located, as well as the average annual turnover that you manage to invoice to the said customer.

Is he a cartoonist or a designer because it's not quite the same thing.

Kind regards



Sorry for the topic, you can move the message if needed.

Regarding the request, my client is near Lille but I work from home. for the average turnover, last year I invoiced 3400€, I'm already 2900 this year, not counting the bill to come.

Indeed, it's design, in the field of plastic bottle recycling. This customer also has another company in the field of refrigerated furniture and displays.

As I more or less intend to stop my activity, I think that there will be other requests of this type in the coming weeks because I will make my decision after this weekend and make the announcement to my customers (who will ask me if I know other cartoonists).

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Hello Julien,

I am an independent project engineer in mechanical design and I set up my design office near Avignon. I work mainly in the special machine. I am involved in all stages of the life cycle of a project (CoC writing, concept, CAD, mechanical dimensioning, ISO drawings, technical writing, realistic renderings, budget and planning follow-up, subcontracting follow-up and development assistance on the customer's site.) I work either on-site or remotely with all my hardware and Solidworks Premium license.

For more info here is my website:    http://icome.fr/


Do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards


I am a freelance draughtsman.

I am very interested in your ad

Contact me

Regards Karyll DELRUE 06 08 96 21 52 


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Hello guys

I don't think it's safe for you to give your phone numbers like that.

Instead, give your contact details through PMs  (private messages) this will save you tons of SPAM.

The robots scan all the sites and retrieve this type of information and sell it to "rotten twentieth-zone nuts" who send you spam.

Kind regards


Thank you Zozo


Hi all

Thank you for all your answers.

For the moment the situation is a little more complicated than I thought for the rest of my future project.

So I'll have to continue my activity for a while longer.

I will come back to those who have contacted me for the rest when the transition is imminent.

Kind regards


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