Looking for a high-jewelry module for solidworks!

Hello everyone,

I am looking for modules for high jewelry under solidworks,

I could see 2 of them on sites/videos, but to get them ... That's what.

So I'm asking you if you know where I can find high jewelry modules for solidworks.

Thank you.

Kind regards.

Is your problem the price or finding the distributor?
- If it is the price, the solution I guess in your question will not be provided to you here;
- If it's the distributor, with the name of the module and a search engine, you should be able to find something.

Apparently, SW seems to be no longer in the odour of sanctity in jewelry, are you sure that the videos you saw were with SW?


To my knowledge there is no Jewelry software integrated into SW

In the SolidWatch product, we are able to set stones but with features limited to watchmaking (point-to-point setting or along curves)

I believe there is an advanced crimping module built into Rhino

My knowledge ends there :o(

See you soon

Yes, it was Solidwatch, but with the answer you gave me...

Then there is Rhino and more particularly RhinoGold for high jewelry.

Thank you anyway!

Thank you for your answers!