Rebuilding Configurations



Is there a way to force the rebuild of the configurations (under SW15) without having to activate each conf?

I tried adding the brand, but it's not the result I want,  I just want it to indicate with its tick that the conf is rebuilt like when you activate it.

e.g. in the attached image, I have:

- An active conf rebuilt with its green tic.

- just above, a conf rebuilt with Tic Gris (because not active).

- the others, with a grey bar because it has not been reconstructed, not active. And I would like to be able to rebuild them without activating them for the moment.






I don't think it's possible. It's just a visual indication.

Via the attached macro it should be able to do it.


thank you the macro works.

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Dsl I didn't think it was possible...

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Well, I didn't know that there was a macro to solve this kind of problem. It's really great. All I have to do is try it and see the result. In any case, thank you for the info. I'll see if it will work with my computer too.

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