I have a small problem on an assembly plan, each time it opens it rebuilds all the parts and this even after saving the plan, if I reopen it it rebuilds everything. I tried with the blocking bar activated but it doesn' t change anything.
Indeed it is very long indeed, but it is better to open an MEP in resolved to have faster access to all the commands.
There is also opening in light mode to open quickly without access to all the controls and the preview mode is the fastest opening, but it remains a preview.
Here is a screenshot of SW 2020 SP4.
AR https://help.solidworks.com/2020/french/SolidWorks/sldworks/t_opening_existing_documents.htm
And watch this video maybe it will be clearer for you.
It will also be necessary to check the external references and the Flexible Assemblies... These two types of constructions are very resource-intensive and re-constructed. Another possible avenue would be "library" components (part families) that are not read-only, or with recording options on all configurations. And finally, the constraints, if your assembly is not totally constrained, it increases the reconstruction time. Most of these settings are visible by using the "Evaluate / Rebuild Evaluation" tab, this will give you a clearer idea of which components need to be rebuilt. Kind regards.
Indeed I know all these parameters but my problem is that even if I rebuild, save and then close the assembly, each time it is opened it rebuilds and this without there being any modification on the parts or sub-assembly constraints.