Crash Recovery

Hi all 

Here I am with a new question, 

SW 2015 just crashed without asking me anything, 

I have access to the recovery file that I had set to save frantically every minute, 

it generates SWAR files, except it doesn't open...

if I go to skip the SWAR the room opens but the work is not recover...

Does anyone have the solution?


Thank you very much



What does "if I go to skip the SWAR"  mean?

I think that means if he does without it (delete or do without?)


If the file was saved frantically  every minute (;-) ) .... Why not open the original .sldprt or .sldass file, depending on whether it's a part or an assembly ?

I remove...

Can't you edit your question once online?

Automatic check-in was set to 1 minute

but I didn't record until the lunch break... I know it's not good


To edit a question, it's the "edit" button at the top left.

Normally, when SolidWorks restarts after a crash, there is a small icon with a folder and a red arrow in the right panel:


I think so for the editing of the question. A tab at the top (under the "forums, groups etc" bar)


Haaaa ... And  that's a shame! I usually don't trust auto saves. I've had a few unpleasant surprises in the past:(

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