Retrieving data from a solidworks function to display it on a macro

Hello, I have created a macro that allows you to configure my part (dimensions, machining with bossing or material removal, etc). Once the part is created, I would like that when I restart the macro on this part, the values displayed on the userform are the ones I put in the room to have a quick preview of my open part. Otherwise, the default values are displayed. So you should get the information from the part and send it back to the right boxes in my userform.  

I managed to retrieve the dimensions of a sketch and return them using this:    txt_Z.Text = Part.Parameter("D1@F"). SystemValue .  but I can't get the TRUE or FALSE value of a function (mat. removal, bossing, drilling)  to tell if it is enabled or deleted in my part.

If you have a solution, I'm interested :) 


You have to look at swFeat.IsSuppressed2.

Option Explicit

Sub main()

    Dim swApp                   As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel                 As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim swSelMgr                As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
    Dim swFeat                  As SldWorks.Feature
    Dim vConfNameArr            As Variant
    Dim vSuppStateArr           As Variant
    Dim i                       As Long
    Dim bRet                    As Boolean

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
    Set swFeat = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    vConfNameArr = swModel.GetConfigurationNames
    vSuppStateArr = swFeat.IsSuppressed2(swThisConfiguration, vConfNameArr)
    Debug.Assert 0 = UBound(vSuppStateArr)
    Debug.Print "File = " & swModel.GetPathName
    Debug.Print "  " & swFeat.Name

        Debug.Print "    " & vConfNameArr(i) & " ---> " & vSuppStateArr(i)

End Sub

Hello Cyril, this is what I need, I managed to get the value TRUE or FALSE with this code.

But, the problem is that I have to select the function before launching the macro. How do I make it so that when I launch the macro it takes all the functions I would have given it (in my code) so that it tells me if it's true or false? without having to select the functions?

(I specify that I'm a beginner in VBA, it's all I feel like I'm just starting to do macros on sw)  


You have to list all the elements of the "Feature" and only work on the functions you want, look at the example given here.

Kind regards

Private Sub ActualiserInfosPiece()

    actualisationInfoPiece = True

    Dim swFeature As SldWorks.Feature
    Dim swModelDocExt As SldWorks.ModelDocExtension

    Dim featureName As String
    Dim status As Boolean
    Dim vSuppStateArr As Variant
    Dim vConfNameArr As Variant

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension
    Set Part = swModel

    If swModel Is Nothing Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If (swModel.GetType <> swDocPART) Then
        Call MsgBox("Macro valable uniquement pour une pièce", vbOKOnly, "AVERTISSEMENT")

        Exit Sub
    End If

    vConfNameArr = swModel.GetConfigurationNames

    Set swFeature = Part.FirstFeature
    Do While Not swFeature Is Nothing

        featureName =
        status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2(featureName, "BODYFEATURE", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
        vSuppStateArr = swFeature.IsSuppressed2(swThisConfiguration, vConfNameArr)
        Select Case featureName
            Case "FONCTION SW 1"
                 TglB_N1.value = Not vSuppStateArr(0)
            Case "FONCTION SW 2"
                 TglB_N2.value = Not vSuppStateArr(0)
            Case "FONCTION SW 3"
                TglB_N3.value = Not vSuppStateArr(0)
            Case "FONCTION SW 4"
                 TglB_N4.value = Not vSuppStateArr(0)
            Case "FONCTION SW 5"
                TglB_N5.value = Not vSuppStateArr(0)
            Case FONCTION SW 6"
                TglB_N6.value = Not vSuppStateArr(0)
        End Select
        Set swFeature = swFeature.GetNextFeature() 

        ComboBox_HAUT.Text = Part.Parameter("D3@Esquisse FONCTION SW").SystemValue * 1000
        ComboBox_BAS.Text = Part.Parameter("D4@Esquisse FONCTION SW").SystemValue * 1000
        ComboBox_GAUCHE.Text = Part.Parameter("D2@Esquisse FONCTION SW").SystemValue * 1000
        ComboBox_DROIT.Text = Part.Parameter("D1@Esquisse FONCTION SW").SystemValue * 1000

        txt_X.Text = Part.Parameter("D3@Esquisse Débit").SystemValue * 1000
        txt_Y.Text = Part.Parameter("D4@Esquisse Débit").SystemValue * 1000
        txt_Z.Text = Part.Parameter("D1@F").SystemValue * 1000

    actualisationInfoPiece = False

End Sub


Problem solved, thank you for your answer .