EPDM variable recovery on excel via vba

Hi all

I need your help again.

I want to retrieve a variable from a pdm file (variable called "_Description" via an excel macro. Here is my snippet of code, I don't get anything.

I think the error comes from loading the configs at the enumvar level.

    On Error Resume Next
    Dim strWorkbookPath As String
    strWorkbookPath = ThisWorkbook.FullName
    Dim oVault As New EdmVault5
    oVault.LoginAuto oVault.GetVaultNameFromPath(strWorkbookPath), 0
    Dim oFile As IEdmFile6
    Dim oFolder As IEdmFolder6
    Set oFile = oVault.GetFileFromPath(strWorkbookPath, oFolder)
    Dim projName As String
    If oFile Is Nothing Then
      MsgBox "File not in EPDM vault", vbCritical
      Dim Worksheet As Worksheet
      Worksheet = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
      Dim oRef As IEdmReference5
      Set oRef = oFile.GetReferenceTree(oFolder.ID, 0)
      Dim msg As String
      Dim pos As IEdmPos5
      Set pos = oRef.GetFirstChildPosition(projName, True, True, 0)
      Dim ref As IEdmReference5
      Sun xx As String
      Dim row As Integer
      row = 7
        'Retrieving variables
        Dim enumVar As IEdmEnumeratorVariable5

        Dim oVal As Variant
        Dim bGetVar as Boolean
        Dim cfgList As EdmStrLst5
        Dim cfgName  As String
        Dim pos2 As IEdmPos5
      While Not pos. IsNull
        Set ref = oRef.GetNextChild(pos)
        Set cfgList = ref. File.GetConfigurations
        Set pos2 = cfgList.GetHeadPosition
        cfgName = cfgList.GetNext(pos2)

        Set enumVar = ref. File.GetEnumeratorVariable
        enumVar.GetVar "_Révision", cfgName, oVal
        ActiveSheet.Cells(row, 4). Value2 = oVal
        bGetVar = enumVar.GetVar("Description", cfgName, oVal)
        ActiveSheet.Cells(row, 6). Value2 = oVal
        'Next line
        row = row + 1


Unfortunately, you have to extract the file and then undo the extraction to be able to retrieve the contents of the variables.

Use lockfile, realize data recovery and then undolockfile.

Indeed, as stupid as that.

Thanks for the info.

Have a nice day