I'm drying, I'd like to retrieve my index variable in DW and I don't know how to do it anymore.
Thank you
I'm drying, I'd like to retrieve my index variable in DW and I don't know how to do it anymore.
Thank you
No one has an idea?
I would have to be able to retrieve a property filled in by SOLIDWORKS/PDM
Hello @Thierry K
I noticed that in your previous requests, you don't say thank you to those who help you.
Probably a moment of inattention on your part. ;-)
There is a function that is widely used to give positive feedback: it's the little heart with the ugly word ""I like"". (the equivalent of LIKE). This function allows you to say in a way (I appreciate that you answer me even if it solves or doesn't solve my PB).
Sometimes we have rudeness which is of course not your case. But what I have noticed is that there is no longer an answer to the demands of the malpolitus.
I sincerely hope that someone will answer your request soon because PDM specialists are not necessarily always present on the forum.
In addition to the "likes", you also need to have a little patience sometimes.
Patience you have since you make an UP on your post of June 6, 2019 ;-) ;-) ;-)
Kind regards
Hello @Zozo_mp,
I have indeed forgotten good manners and I apologize for that. I'm going to make sure I take the time to do that. Thank you for this reminder.