Recovering a part property on a drawing?


I would like to know if it is possible to recover a property in a room and manage to have the same property in the drawing (whether it is linked to the room). I know that for example that the mass and related with the part on the drawing.

Let me explain with an example:

I have a Source property ( $PRP:"Source")  with a variable that I set to it when I create my piece. Here the variable is Sheet metal

(see image1 Part Property)

I would like to retrieve the sheet metal information on a drawing, and I don't know how to proceed and if it is possible?

I tried with just this parameter $PRPSHEET:"Source" and [SW-Source] but it doesn't work.
(See image2 Drawing property)

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,




The SmartProperties tool should be used for this. This tool allows you to copy properties from a 3D to a 2D. 

See this topic:

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Thank you for your answer, I'll look into it.