Retrieve the geometry of a sketch in another room

Hi all. I need to position holes (actually a complete geometry) to attach part A to part B. I have very little knowledge of Solidworks and I'm totally floundering (I've developed bad habits from 2D...). I think I should use the "Convert entities" function. Can someone point me in the right direction?


Can you give us a screen print or your piece with a little more details about your expectations???

Hello, you make an assembly of your 2 parts with the sketches in blue (unconstrained) then from your assembly you "edit the part" there you can put constraints from one part to the other.

Then be careful to remove these constraints and to properly rate the parts in order to make them independent later.

I hope I have been clear enough.

Kind regards

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All you have to do is open the sketch that will serve as a model. You select everything with your mouse, left click from the bottom to the top diagonally.

Then Ctrl C  (copy)

You go into your new room, you create a sketch and you select the origin point and you press  Ctrl V to paste.

The only problem with this ultra-simple method is that your original sketch must be fully constrained and dimensioned, otherwise everything will go wrong when you want to center it on the original point

Do not use "copy entities"" unless you are in the same sketch. If you have two different sketches, for example in two different rooms or in two places in the room , I use the Windows cut and paste method

There you go

Edit: spelling

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Hi all

I put a pdf with the project. We see in cross-section some kind of airplane wings that are rotatable over 70 degrees. They have an axle that fits into a bearing, which is targeted by 4 fixing points on a large PRS profile. The wings are repeated (linear repetition, I found that!) and thus form the cover of a pergola. I made a sketch that serves as a basis for the positioning of the bearings (and therefore their holes) on the PRS. I am trying to arrange these wings as I wish on my PRS and consequently all the boreholes of the bearings.

I will test the solutions you have proposed to me.

Thank you very much for your help and patience!


See this tutorial

with intelligent components

You have the possibility to create your holes by self-installing, screws, nuts, washers, etc...

It's a choice

@+ ;-)