Retrieve a function's metadata


I create functions on my parts from configuration-based sldlfp files. In these configurations, I create a metadata that I would like to show in a note of the drawing of the final piece.

Can you help me with this?

Thank you!

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I don't have an answer to your question, but if someone has the answer I'm also interested.

I don't really see how this could work: if you insert 2 functions each in a different config, how would SW know which value to use?


The goal is to retrieve the name of the function to which the note points. There is a lot of retrievable metadata "configuration name", what I'm looking for is to retrieve a metadata like "function name" or "dimension value"


You can retrieve a dimension from a note.

Create Note, when you are in the note click on the dimension. validate

Right-click on the note -> Edit text in the window


This is what it looks like


For the name of the function by macro it should be possible

Thank you for this answer. On the other hand, the problem is that if the dimension is not displayed in the drawing, there is the name of the dimension that appears in the note and no longer its value. It would be nice if I could integrate the note without the rating being displayed.

In fact I am trying to create a note concerning the rective clearances of the type "DIN 509 E0.6x0.2" for a turning part, which would automatically retrieve the 2 values "0.6" and "0.2" in the function.

When I have 2 dimensions to report in a note, I import them into the plan, point to the note and if I don't want to see them I hide them.

I don't remember anymore, if we put the dimensions in a specific layer and hide  the layer,  if the dimensions remain visible in the note


We would like it to exist too, but a priori there is no solution (which is a bit logical because it is possible to insert several library functions in the same room and there could therefore be conflicts over ownership).

On the other hand, if you insert a part into a part, you can retrieve information from the basic part: depending on your needs, this could help to solve your problem.

Otherwise you can always get a sketch with a pilot text containing the information you want and show it (but it might not look very nice on the MEP).