Following a static analysis, I would like to retrieve all the components of the stress tensor at a given node in the form of an array. Is there a function to do this?
Currently, I display the components one after the other and then retrieve the values by hand. It's a bit tedious.
Thank you in advance for your help.
If you want to have the result drawn on the screen at a specific point with the Probe tool in this case you can look here if it suits you.
The node must first be registered as a sensor.
Kind regards
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Thank you for your prompt feedback.
The problem with the Probe tool is that I have to define 6 stress plots (one per tensor component) and create the sensor 6 times. This solution works, but I'm looking for a more automated way.
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The solution sought is surely :
- use the probe tool to get the node number
-do in the simulation menu: list the results / constraints, select the constraints, enter after either the number of the node considered or otherwise SW offers all the nodes of the model. Select normal and shear stresses from the list format.
You get a nice text file with the coordinates of the node (or nodes) as well as the 6 constraints you are looking for.
The advantage of exporting the whole thing is that you have the information on all the nodes in a single operation.
Nb: I'm doing a complete export on a file that has 900000 nodes and it's hard to crack.
Impeccable, thank you very much!