Retrieve Quote Style

Hello community!

Small problem that I can't seem to solve^^ 

At first I have a . DRWDOT, or I implant styles in the ribs, for example the roughness (see capture.jpg)

Everything is in order when I make a new drawing I have my style. 

On the other hand, where the problem is that when I take an old plan (before I bring the styles) I don't have my styles, even when I refill my background. 

I specify I have already tried to take my . DRWDOT and to register it in . SLDDRT. 

Do you think we can take back the styles? 

Thank you 

Kind regards




Be careful, there are 2 very distinct files between the background of . SLDDRT and the drawing model . DRWDOT.

For everything to work well, you need to create and save your template and background.

Then you go back to your model in which you reload your background. otherwise it doesn't work properly.

You save your model again.

everything has to work.

If you ever change your basemap, you have to reload it in the template each time.

