Retrieve Property Value


Dsl, I don't have too much time to spend on the forum these days. a lot of work
I'm stuck on a problem
In the properties of a welded parts list, I'm looking to concatenate two property values.
I have a "hi" property value "thing"
and in the property "thingy" I want to recover the value of "hi" + "bidule"

I tried to enter the value $PRP:"Hi" in "Thingy" to get the value of "Hi" but it doesn't work

Do you have a lead please

Thanks in advance


See this tutorial

you will have to find your answer

@+ ;-)


Thank you for your answer but I've already tried this but it only works in the classic properties but not in the properties of a list of soldered parts.

I can't recover the value of a property that is in a list of welded parts

1 Like


And if you right-click on each of your items and then click on properties and you fill in your personal properties (screen attached) which you then retrieve from your list of welded parts


show us the values you can't recover

screens are welcome ;-)


Here is a screen shot
in fact I would like to get the value of the Type property in the DESCRIPTION property in order to concatenate it with something else



AC Testing

but you will only be able to concatenate declared values

Take a test

waiting for a response @+

Hello, my answer won't help you at all but I love the way you listed your problem! :) you take "hi" which has the value "thing" etc...

Excellent! Funny but clear! I'd steal the idea! 


Kind regards


Excel - Concatenate Data

Excel - Using the CONCATENATE functionUSExcel - Concaténer des donnéesFRExcel - Concatenar dadosBR

December 2016

Data concatenation

How to put multiple data together in a single expression 


In a spreadsheet, it is: 

Combine multiple data into a single expression
This data is placed in various places (including in several sheets of the same file), and we want to put them together to form a group of words or a sentence. 

Method (formula)

The method is simple, even if the technical term is off-putting!

  • In column A, I have a list of surnames, in column B, the corresponding first names, and in C, the registration number.
  • In cell D2, if I put the formula =A2&B2 it will be displayed for example as "SMITHAbelard".
  • If I correct the formula by entering =A2&" "&B2 I will see "DUPONT Abelard".
  • In cell E2, if I put the formula =A2&B2&C2 it will be displayed "DUPONTAbélard804".
  • If I correct the formula by entering =A2&" "&B2&" N° "&C2 it will display "DUPONT Abélard N° 804".

Writing with the

Instead of using the ampersand &, we can more prosaically use the CONCATENER() function which gives exactly the same result...  
The above four formulas would be written respectively

  • =CONCATENATE(A2; " "; B2)
  • =CONCATENATE(A2; B2; C2)
  • =CONCATENATE(A2; " "; B2; "No."; C2)

Use in a base

If I add to my worksheet, in cell X1, the phrase " is listed under the number ", 
and if I want to display in F2 the sentence "SMITH Abelard is listed under the number 804", then repeat the same action throughout column F, I have the choice between the formulas:

  • =A2&" "&B2&" is entered under the number "&C2
  • =CONCATENATE(A2; " "; B2; " is entered under the number "; C2)
  • =A2&" "&B2&$X$1&C2
  • =CONCATENATE(A2; " "; B2;$X$1; C2)

and if I set the name "afno" for cell X1,

  • =A2&" "&B2&afno&C2
  • =CONCATENATE(A2; " "; B2; afno; C2)

these six formulas can be copied down without any problem, Excel taking care of adapting the references of the formulas. 

Types of data that can be used

The result of the concatenation is a text
The data is therefore first transformed into text before being put end to end. 
Thus we lose ALL the specific display formats: percentage, decimals, dates, times, telephone, Social Security... all numeric values in the standard format. 
This being said, and as these examples show, we can add

  • of cell contents
    • designated by cell reference: A2
    • designated by the name defined for the cell: AFNO
  • text expressions in quotation marks: " N° "
  • numbers in standard format: 804.

Use cases

  • 1- To bring together title, surname and first name in a single designation
  • 2- Gather street, postal code and city in a single address line
  • 3- Get a polite greeting by including the title and the name
  • 4- Create a direct mail field with a phrase like "Young Abelard is 7 years old".
  • 5- Transforming a number into a string by concatenating it with an empty string, e.g . =A1&"" is the equivalent of =TEXT(A1; "Standard" ): This is a quick method to fix format discrepancies in corrupted databases (associated with special copy/paste, values

thank you for your answer
the image is a bit small (hard to read)
but from what I see you do:
$PRP:"Material" - $PRP:"Weight" and the evaluate value matches well
on the other hand you do this in the classic custom properties of a room
That's what I was doing in this case and indeed I agree with you it works
On the other hand, when you do the same thing in the properties of a list of soldered parts, well it doesn't work
What for??? I can't understand it
as if we couldn't do it...

I'll put screenshots for you


Here is a screen shot in a list of welded parts


Look at your capital spaces?


Look there; It's pretty much the same thing. I put a formula template to retrieve the properties, look I have an attachment with the recovery of the different properties to make a markup. Take the piece from one of my last posts

Or else there is this:éner-du-texte-dans-les-familles-de-pièces-solidworks

From memory I think the hotline told me that the properties of a list of soldered parts are not concatenable (SW bug) that's for the sw2014 version.

I wanted to concatenate the sheet metal thickness (retrieve from the welded part list with another value) and it didn't work either.

@gt22 I don't have any space problems or spelling problems

@ac cobra I don't think the problem comes from the concatenation because when I try to recover the value of a simple property the result is identical.
In addition, the concatenation does not happen like in Excel. well, I only flew over.
I'm still going to look in more detail at what you posted to me.

@sbadenis the result is the same without concatenation


Why don't you create a bogus sketch whose length would be = to trick+bidule.all that would be left to do is to retrieve this value from the properties.

may the force be with you.



@OBI WAN I can't do that because it's not about numeric values

Well while digging I noticed this
When I do $PRP "Name of my property" in the properties of the welded part list, it gets me the value of the property "Name of the property" which is in the classic custom properties and not the one found in the properties of the welded part list

so I think it's the "$PRP" command that must not be the right one
I saw another name on the net but I couldn't get it to work "$PRPWLD"


To answer this question, a tutorial has been created.
To access this tutorial, follow this link:

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