Circular reference between 2 views


I have a colleague who has this message:

So I have 2 questions:
- For formalism reasons, all views are renamed, how to make the link between the name displayed in the tree and the internal name of SW;
- Have you ever had the case?
- How is it possible to create this kind of relationship?

Hello @Stefbeno

what is the SW version of your colleague?

It's SW2015


as you're a super cool guy;-)  I went to see on the US forum what they say on the subject.

I deliver it to you raw formwork.

There are two cases

  1. A bug in the 2016 version fixed in 2017
  2. the culprit... was a center line that I suspect is related to a view that was probably deleted... But the line remained... The line was colored black, as if it had been solved correctly...

In the case found on the US site we would have to look at the deleted views (I don't say deleted). I couldn't find anything else on the subject

Kind regards

A shame because the PB seems to be solved in 2016 and beyond.

I found something more interesting which was translated and put in PDF because it was a bit long (see attachment)

Kind regards




Thank you for your research.

The deleted view track is interesting, I know it uses some.
The second document is more of a classic problem in assembly mode. But I'm also going to look at whether sometimes it wouldn't be a reference in the assembly that would make a mess in the drawing.

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The plan was delivered...
We reopened the asm, there is no error, it's the drw, but it takes about 10 minutes to open it. We'll wait for it to come back to it.

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