Part numbers

Hi all

I would like to know how best to manage the references of my parts.
I receive a customer WWTP with their references.
I save it in Assembly and I break the link to take out all the parts.
I would like to replace their references with mine automatically while keeping track of their references.

Thanks in advance

You rename your parts with your reference and in the description you put theirs for example.
And if you keep the original step you have the trace anyway.

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To do this automatically, I can only see the MyCadTool tools


Thank you for your answers.

Nothing is easy with Mycadtools.
Well, here's what I'd like to do but I can't do it.

I have created a simple text property "Ref" in the smartproperties of my assembly.
In this property, I'll put my reference root e.g.: 7FRAN0000

Then I'll want to retrieve this property in the smartproperties of each part that makes up the assembly. First obstacle because I can't do it even with the integration tool.

Finally, when I manage to get the root reference "7FRAN0000", I would like to increment it by 1 in each part automatically, of course.

7FRAN0000 01
7FRAN0000 02
7FRAN0000 03

Thanks in advance